
UNITED CIVIL organization

 In light of the multifaceted challenges facing Sudan, including ongoing social and economic crises and persistent conflicts,

empowering civil society has become essential to  reconstruction and development efforts.

  This project aims to bolster the capabilities of local communities, particularly those in marginalized

  and conflict-affected areas, enabling them to effectively contribute to development and peacebuilding initiatives.

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About us


General Goal

Our organization is dedicated to strengthening civil society by empowering local communities to become key contributors to development and sustainable peacebuilding in Sudan. Through targeted training and strategic partnerships, we aim to establish a robust civil society capable of addressing challenges and fostering comprehensive development.


We are committed to empowering individuals and local communities by developing their craft and leadership skills through training. We promote a culture of peace and coexistence, support sustainable economic development, and build effective partnerships between civil society and local entities to achieve balanced development and lasting peace.

Principles and values

We adhere to the fundamental principles of voluntary work. We operate with complete objectivity and offer assistance to everyone, regardless of race, religion, gender, or political opinions. Our commitment to neutrality and independence ensures that our humanitarian goals are met without governmental or political influence. We are dedicated to sustainable development, transparency, and accountability in all our projects. Respect and equality are at the core of our interactions, ensuring dignity and fairness for everyone we serve.

·        Humanity: We strive to alleviate human suffering, uphold dignity, and fulfill basic needs without discrimination.

·        Inclusiveness: Actively involving all societal groups without any form of discrimination.

·        Cooperation: Strengthening partnerships between civil society and both the public and private sectors.

·        Impartiality: We provide aid without consideration of race, religion, gender, nationality, or political beliefs.

·        Neutrality: We remain impartial in conflicts, ensuring unbiased assistance to all in need.

·        Independence: Our operations are conducted autonomously from governments and political influence, focusing solely on humanitarian objectives.

·        Volunteering: Our efforts are driven by sincerity and a desire to make a positive impact without expecting material rewards.

·        Sustainable Development: Our initiatives are designed to foster long-term positive effects on the environment and society.

·        Transparency and Accountability: We commit to openness and honesty in all our activities, making information and reports accessible to the public and beneficiaries, while being accountable for all our actions.

·        Respect and Equality: We treat every individual with dignity and respect, ensuring equal opportunities and fair treatment for all.


Our vision is to create empowered and effective local communities that drive sustainable peace and actively participate in comprehensive development. We strive to build a strong, cooperative civil society.


Main Objectives

« Develop a strong civil society capable of addressing challenges.

« Promote social cohesion and local peace.

« Achieve sustainable economic development and improve livelihoods.

« Enhance the participation of local communities in decision-making and build their confidence in institutions.

                                                 Strategic Objectives

 Empowering Individuals and Local Groups

- Develop leadership and organizational skills to enhance their societal role.

- Train individuals on project management and develop community solutions.

Promoting a Culture of Peace and

- Create platforms for community dialogue to promote tolerance, mutual recognition, and dialogue.

- Organize awareness campaigns to consolidate the values of active citizenship and peace.

Supporting Sustainable Economic

- Provide vocational training and entrepreneurship support to improve livelihoods.

- Offer financing grants and consultations for establishing small and medium enterprises.

       Promoting Civic Engagement

- Empower local communities to effectively participate in decision-making at the local level.

- Promote transparency and accountability by involving citizens in monitoring and implementing development activities.

Main Elements

- List of states

- Projects

- Current events

          Building Effective Partnerships

- Strengthen cooperation between civil society organizations, the private sector, and government agencies.

- Establish communication networks between local actors to exchange experiences and coordinate efforts.

Main Activities

·        Local Community Development: Implementing programs and initiatives that enhance the social well-being and cohesion of local communities.

·        Training and Rehabilitation: Providing essential skills training and rehabilitation services to support individuals in rebuilding their lives and achieving self-sufficiency.

·        Advocating for Community Issues: Actively engaging in advocacy to address and resolve key community issues, ensuring that all voices are heard and represented.

·        Awareness and Civic Education: Promoting civic awareness and education through workshops, seminars, and campaigns aimed at fostering informed and engaged citizens.

·        Psychosocial Support: Offering comprehensive psychosocial support services to help individuals cope with trauma and build resilience in the face of adversity.





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